The Institute of Transport Administration was founded in 1944 as The Institute of Traffic Administration . It was registered as a Friendly Society on 25 July 1944 under society number 53SA.
By special resolution passed on 29 January 1981 the Institute's membership resolved to change its name to The Institute of Transport Administration. Following approval from The Registrar of Friendly Societies, the Institute began using the new name with effect from 1 May 1981.
The original objectives, which continue to this day, are to broadening and improve the knowledge, skills and experience of its members in the practice of efficient and effective transport management (traffic management), relating to all spheres of transportation including road, rail, sea and air. This is achieved by maintaining and enhancing the professional standing and knowledge of transport management through the Institute's education, training and compliance programs and meetings, by providing considered professional opinion on current and proposed transport legislation and policies and by protecting its integrity as a professional body recognised by the UK Department for Transport and the Traffic Commissioners.
On the introduction of Transport Managers Certificates of Professional Competence (CPCs) in 1977, required by European Directives 74/561/EEC and 74/562/EEC, the UK Secretary of State for Transport designated the Institute as an "Approved Body" under the Public Service Vehicle Operators (Qualifications) Regulations 1977 and Goods Vehicle Operators (Qualifications) Regulations 1977 enabling it to issue CPC Exemption Certificates to Corporate Members engaged in road transport operations. With effect from 5 December 2011 "Approved Body" status was withdrawn from all organisations holding it. Exemption Certificates issued by the Institute before that date continue to be valid though.
Video Institute of Transport Administration
Who are we ?
The membership of IoTA is a wide range of people from numerous backgrounds within the Transport & Logistics Sector. With a history of being one of only five CPC Awarding Bodies it is to be expected that a large proportion of the membership are in some form of training, from college lecturers and researchers to trainers and transport consultants. There is also a bias towards Road but Rail is making a 'comeback' as we see more inter-modal transport requiring the integration of two disciplines.
The Institute welcomes members from any background and a recent survey revealed members with roles in Forensic Accident Investigation, Storage & Distribution, Bus & Coach Operations, Freight Forwarding, Multi-Modal Transport, Pallet & Parcel Networks, Risk Management and Solicitors. With this well equipped 'toolbox' of skills it is not uncommon for members to work together or pass on contact details of other members with specialist skills.
The Institute is not an exclusive club for managers. One of the members once said "We are not champagne and caviar. We are fish and chips with a pint of beer". Among the membership are LGV and PCV drivers, junior traffic clerks and even apprentices, whose contributions are vital if the Institute is to understand modern working practices and conditions and to campaign for improvements for transport employees of all levels throughout the UK.
Maps Institute of Transport Administration
In accordance with Section 24 of the Friendly Societies Act 1974 the Institute's property is held by a body of Trustees. There may be no fewer than three nor more than five them. They must stand for re-election annually and have the right to attend meetings of the National Council, Executive Committee and any of the Institute's National Committees. At any Institute meeting the Trustees have a single vote as a collective body.
National Council
The Council directs and controls all the activities of the Institute, and may frame, amend, alter and revoke any and all bye-laws and standing orders. It consists of representatives elected from the corporate members of each approved Centre. Each centre elects two representatives to serve for a maximum of three years, only one of whom is entitled to vote.
It acts through an Executive Committee consisting of six office holders and the Institute's Director, and three National Committees consisting of a chairman and four other members. The Executive Committee and all of the National Committees have the power of co-option.
Executive Committee
This committee comprises the National Chairman, Deputy President and Chairmen (or nominated deputies) of the National Committees. The Director and President are ex-officio members. Like the National Committees it has the power of co-option.
The committee has the authority to make all decisions necessary to made between Council meetings, within the policies outlined by the National Council and a full report of these is submitted to Council at its next meeting.
Finance and General Purposes Committee
This Committee considers all questions relating to finance and the administration of the Institute. it is responsible to National Council for all matters relating to the finance and administration policy of the Institute, including those falling within the specific responsibilities of the Director.
It formulates the financial and administrative policy of the Institute on behalf of, or as directed by, National Council or the Executive Committee. Its specific duties are to ensure that the financial management of the Institute is carried out strictly in accordance with recognised accounting practice and the Institute Rules and ensuring that an annual budget for the Institute's income and expenditure account is prepared.
It scrutinizes the audited accounts and grant applications from Centres each year, approves and advises Centres of annual grant awards, determines the salary levels of all paid officers and staff of the Institute and reviews these on an annual basis. It also presents an annual recommendation to the National Council concerning subscription levels for the forthcoming year.
This Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Rules of the Institute and its Centre Handbook are kept up to date and that recommendations for amendment are placed before National Council for approval and notified to the statutory authority as required.
External Affairs Committee
This committee considers any matter involving the operation and management of all modes of transport, which, in their opinion, is of interest to the Institute and Its membership. The Committee is authorised to express the views of the Institute and has the duty to achieve the greatest possible favourable publicity for the Institute's aims, policies and activities.
It also ensures the Institute's Official Journal and website achieve the highest possible standards and fully reflect the interests of the Institute's membership. This includes promotion of the Members' Forum on the Institute website as a means of interaction between Members. Additionally it advises National Council and the Centres on all matters relating to publicity and consults with the National Treasurer and Director regarding all publicity matters involving expense.
Liaison Officers for both Scotland and Wales are co-opted members of this committee.
Education, Training and Membership Committee
The main task of this Committee is the furtherance and development of the membership of the Institute. In order to satisfy present and future needs of the transport industry and any government policy in accordance with the professional status of the Institute it has the duty of keeping abreast of educational developments and assessing their effects upon the educational and training needs of the members of the Institute.
It liaises closely with the Director in developing and promoting an education and training policy for the direct benefit of members and non-members and processes all applications for membership of the Institute.
This committee is responsible for overseeing the Institute's Operator Licensing Awareness Training (OLAT) , Transport Managers Refresher (TMR) , Fleet Accreditation Scheme (FAS) as well as the Certificate in Transport Management (CTM).
President, Deputy President and Director
The positions of President and Deputy-President are held by elected senior Members or Fellows of the Institute. These posts are largely ceremonial, although the President acts as chairman of the Executive Committee.
The Institute employs a salaried Director to administer its day-to-day activities.
Past Presidents and Deputy Presidents
To assist in members keeping in contact (and for administrative reasons) the Institute operates Centres throughout the UK.
The present list of Centres is East Anglia; Essex; Herts, Beds & Bucks; Leicester; Lancashire; London Central; Peterborough; Manchester; Cheshire, Mersey & North Wales; West Midlands; North East; Scotland; South East; South Wales; Solent; Wessex and Yorkshire.
Whilst members are normally assigned to a Centre which is related to their home or work postcode, every member has the choice of which Centre he/she wishes to be associated with. Some members prefer to be "unattached".
IoTA (Hong Kong)
IoTA (Hong Kong) is an Affiliate Centre with approx. 45 members. The Centre operates as an autonomous body.
IoTA (Nigeria)
IoTA (Nigeria) is an Affiliate Centre with approx. 3,000 members. The Centre operates as an autonomous body and is approved by the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Transport as an education and awarding body.
IoTA (Overseas)
The Institute has members worldwide, too many locations to list fully, but an example would be Switzerland, Germany, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tanzania, America and Australia.
Membership Grades
Membership of the Institute is only open to individuals. Companies however are able to support its work as Patrons (see below).
Corporate Grades
Fellow (FInstTA)
Election to Fellow of the Institute may be granted to persons of special distinction or eminence who are not less than 30 years of age and who have held positions of high responsibility and / or have given distinguished service to the Institute.
Member (MInstTA)
Persons may be elected to the grade of Member having held the grade of Associate Member for a minimum of two years. Persons who possess such educational/professional qualifications in the supervisory management of transport and/or associated professions, as approved from time to time by Council, may also be elected as Member, as may those persons who can satisfy Council that they hold a position of significant responsibility within the transport and distribution industry. As a guideline, the holder of a Transport Manager Certificate of Professional Competence would normally be elected to Member upon application.
Associate Member (AMInstTA)
Persons may be elected to the grade of Associate Member by having held the grade of Associate for sufficient time to qualify for upgrading to corporate status or by rendering distinguished service to the Institute. Persons who possess such education, professional qualifications in the supervisory management of transport or associated professions, as approved from time to time by Council as justifying election to corporate status, may also be elected as Associate Member. In addition, those persons who can satisfy Council that they hold positions at supervisory or management level within the transport and distribution industry may also be elected as Associate Member.
Non Corporate Grades
Honorary Fellow (Hon FInstTA)
The Council is empowered to admit Honorary Fellows and may determine the terms and conditions attached to their admission.
Honorary Member (Hon MInstTA)
The Council is empowered to admit Honorary Members and may determine the terms and conditions attached to their admission.
Associate (AInstTA)
Election as Associate of the Institute may be granted to persons who are engaged in transport administration, whose ability, expertise and responsibilities exceed the requirements for Students, but do not reach the required standard for Associate Membership, or persons who are engaged in occupations not involving transport administration at the time of admission to membership but which are ancillary to the transport industry.
Graduate (GrInstTA)
The Council is empowered to admit as Graduates persons who are above the age of 18 and who possess such qualifications or achievements as may be decided from time to time by Council.
Student (StInstTA)
Persons who are above the age of 16 and who possess such qualifications or achievements as may be decided from time to time by Council may be admitted as Students.
This scheme currently has eleven members who are suppliers to the transport industry.
The IoTA Patron Scheme has been designed to encourage companies and businesses wishing to exhibit a commitment to high standards and continuing best practice within the industry to demonstrate their commitment to these exacting standards by association with the Institute
IoTA Patronage is by way of invitation only and is offered annually.
Current Patrons
Operator Licensing Awareness
The Institute has developed training and re-training programmes in response to the growing demands from Traffic Commissioners, who require those involved in transport management at all levels to be fully aware of their responsibilities and the need for operator compliance.
Operator Licence Awareness Training (OLAT) is aimed at directors, partners and proprietors of businesses running under a Restricted Operators Licence and who therefore are not required to be fully qualified Transport Managers.
Transport Managers Refresher (TMR) is for fully qualified Transport Managers, either employed by a Standard Operators Licence holder or holding such a licence in their own name. The Operator Licence may authorize either national operations only or national and international operations.
Both OLAT and TMR have been approved by the Senior Traffic Commissioner.
Drivers CPC Consortium
The Institute has a number of Members who are involved with, or operate their own, training organisations. These Members are the 'backbone' of the Institute's Driver CPC training programmes.
The above training providers form the IoTA Driver CPC Consortium which is registered with the Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training (JAUPT) (AC00709).
Drivers CPC Course Units
The following is a list of Drivers CPC Course Units available until 19 August 2016 (the Consortium's JAUPT registration renewal date). A new table will be published as soon as possible after renewal on 19 August 2016.
The requirements to be met by those wishing to obtain a Driver CPC (DQC card) are outlined at Driver CPC.
Certificate in Transport Management
The institute has always been a keen advocate of educating young people entering the transport industry. It therefore has its own internal study and examinations scheme known as the Certificate in Transport Management (CTM). Built upon a modular design it encourages young people to join at the level of StInstTA and, with study and mentoring, progress to GrInstTA and then AInstTA. At this point the student may take either the Institute's own internal examinations to be admitted as an MInstTA, or the OCR Transport Managers Certificate of Professional Competence. Passing the OCR examination also allows admission to the Institute as an MInstTA.
Candidates may choose whether to take the CTM in Passenger Transport or Road Freight.
Compliance and Quality Assurance
Fleet Accreditation Scheme
The Institute also operates a Fleet Accreditation Scheme (FAS) which is acceptable to the Traffic Commissioners as an audit suitable for Operator Licensing requirements. This award is intended to recognise the achievement and maintenance of the highest standards of professionalism, reliability and industry best practice. It is designed to help ensure companies demonstrate their professionalism in maintaining transport administration and management systems in compliance with current regulations and best practice as well as ensuring that they meet the requirements of the Traffic Commissioners and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency thus safeguarding their Operators Licence.
Applicants complete an internal Self-Assessment Audit Report (SAAR) which, on submission to the Institute is reviewed by a member of the Institute's expert compliance team. On completion of the paper review an independent verifier is appointed to conduct an 'on-site' IoTA Assessment Audit Report (IAAR) to verify the evidence provided by the applicant.
On completion of the Institute audit, the verifier then presents both reports to the Compliance Panel who will then either recommend the applicant receives FAS accreditation or what points will require additional work before this can be done. This process is repeated each year that the applicant wishes to continue its registration, by a date determined by the Institute, to keep the FAS certification subject to satisfactory verification.
Where the Institute IAAR confirms the evidence reviewed during the SAAR, and on approval of the Compliance Panel on behalf of the National Council of the Institute, the applicant is issued with a certificate valid for 12 months. Successful operators are entitled to display the Institute Fleet Accreditation Scheme logo on their vehicles, letterheads, websites and company publicity material.
Work Related Road Risk (WRRR)
The Institute is currently preparing a full corporate Work Related Road Risk Policies & Procedures manuals to assist the medium to small transport companies who require these documents in order to obtain work.
Management of Work Related Road Risk (MoWRRR)
Whilst having a WRRR may assist in obtaining work, the MoWRRR gives companies the practical steps to enact to ensure their company remains compliant. The MoWRRR can be considered as both the management and drivers 'handbook'.
FORS / CLOCS / CrossRail
The Institute is about to release a three-volume management manual which is fully FORS, CLOCS and CrossRail compliant and is directly cross-referenced to the WRRR and MoWRRR.
Volume 1 deals with FORS Sections M (Management) and O (Operations).
Volume 2 deals with FORS Sections V (Vehicle) and D (Drivers).
Volume 3 is a Reference Manual.
Health, Safety, Environmental & Social
In January 2017, the Institute intends releasing numerous Policies & Procedures which many companies need but have insufficient time to write and maintain.
External links
- Official website
Source of article : Wikipedia